"Adventure is what the life makes valuable. Doing that with my sailing vessel is the best thing I can imagine."
Hi I am Christoph. I was born and grew up in Augsburg (Bavaria, Germany). I still live in this 2000-year old city founded by first Roman imperator Augustus together with my beloved wife Tatiana and my two kids. I am the proudest dad in the world and since 2014 I love to have my best time on the water.
I was born in 1976 under the sign of aquarius. So my way of becoming a skipper was predetermined.
Hobbies and things I love to do
- Spending time with my wife and my two daughters
- Eating good food, a drinking high quality coffee
- Having interesting conversations
- Developing business ideas. My mind is full of ideas and some of them are being further developed which is pretty much fun.
- I love making people and companies succesful
Me doing business
I own two companies that are active all over Europe.
My business focus activities are
- Being an entrepreneur
- Do coaching and advisorship for decision makers and team building
- Working as Senior Project Manager in international projects (PMP certified)
- Develop new business cases
- Partly being a full stack developer for apps and web services
- Caretaking SV LIMA as owner and skipper #onaboat
I do have more than 20 years of business expertise and experience which I use for doing skippering, team building and advisor ship sessions on the SV LIMA that is owned by one of my companies.
Water relevant licenses
- SBF See (German license for going with motor vessel at the ocean)
- SBF Binnen (German license for going with motor vessel at the inland water)
- Bodenseeschifferpatent (German license for specificely going with a vessel on the Bodensee which is a sanitary zone of well protection)
- SRC (Short Range Certificate, for being allowed to use vhf radio at sea)
- License für maritime distress signals
- SKS (German "Sportküstenschifferschein")
- Diving certificate Open Water Diver
- Diving certificate for Nitrox
Me enjoying a beer during leisure time. Here at the main place in Umag / Croatia.